Voices From Russia, Too

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

9 November 2011. Politics Through a Cartoonist’s Eyes…













Let’s have a light-hearted end to it all…


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

12 October 2011. Politics Through a Cartoonist’s Eyes
















Tuesday, 6 September 2011

6 September 2011. Politics Through a Cartoonist’s Eyes…

You can have government bureaucracy… or you can have commercial bureaucracy… for bureaucracy is NECESSARY in a  large society. Oh, yes… most flood insurance policies refuse to pay for “Acts of God”, dontcha know…


This is what the Sectarians (AKA “Evangelicals“, “Born-Againers”) want to do to the rest of us in the name of Dominionism (their name for a ruthless and pitiless The Handmaiden’s Tale-style theocracy). A note to Orthodox people… Dreher, Mattingly, Paffhausen, Whiteford, and Potapov all want this kind of right-wing hell… do ponder that…


The hypocrisy of the Tea Party’s breathtaking in its selectiveness… most of the deficit was racked up under REPUBLICAN administrations… fancy that…


We HUNG German and Japanese officers after World War II for using torture, calling it “a crime against humanity”… if torture hasn’t changed, what does that make Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Petraeus, Gates, et al? A rose by any other name…


The ‘baggers want to fight expensive wars in foreign parts whilst cutting taxes for the richest five percent at the same time… there’s only one way to do that. They want a thoroughly regressive tax code that’ll place all the burden on the working people… the teabaggers have tee-time at the golf course to pay for, and their wetback nanny needs to be (poorly) paid…


None of the Republican candidates for President has repudiated torture… NONE. Think on that before you mark your ballot next year…


The Tea Party wants a system where all the fruits of our society’s labours go to the richest Five Percent. They “deserve it”, dontcha know… they’re the only “productive” people in society.


Here’s something that you won’t hear on the Rush Limboob Show


The main reason for the deficit was Bush waging expensive foreign military adventuring without raising the taxation necessary to pay for it… it’s not Medicare or Social Security


St Patrick and the SNAKES… “Gerrout, y’ pack of heartless heathens! In the name of Sweet Jesus, His Holy Mother, and all the Saints, be gone with ye!” ERIN GO BRAGH!


Saturday, 27 August 2011

27 August 2011. Politics Through a Cartoonist’s Eyes…

Do note Standard & Poors… their “downgrade” was a pure political manoeuvre… they didn’t do that to George W Bush or Ronald Reagan… and they were FAR worse than Barack Obama is…


Rick Perry wants to abolish the EPA… in order to please his fatcat oil magnate backers… let’s have an “orange” river in Johnstown PA again, and let’s have the Monongahela River catch fire again! NO PROBLEM!


Money talks and bullshit walks… that’s the long and the short of it all…


Yet, the CWA and IBEW forced Verizon to back off… that’s a good omen for the future. Why don’t the Republicans condemn the fat bonuses that the execs receive on the backs of the workers and rate-payers? Perspirin’ minds wanna know!


The rich don’t believe that you should get ANY aid if you’re unemployed… “if they’d rather die, then, let them do it, and decrease the surplus population”… the unrepentant Scrooge lives, and he votes Republican…


Rick Perry achieved his “economic miracle” by shorting education, abusing workers, and coddling the bosses… any questions?


There’s not tuppence difference between the GOP candidates… all would stamp their boot full-force into your face and feel NOTHING afterwards…


Why wasn’t Wall Street’s bailout unconscionable, Tea Party? Is is different when your billionaire backers steal using their lawyers and politician friends?


Here’s why Sarah, fortunately, is going to crash and burn…


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