Voices From Russia, Too

Thursday, 17 October 2013

17 October 2013. Only in Russia! Now There be Some Giant Arbuzi in the Cossack Land, I Be Told!

00 Boy with giant watermelons in Krasnodar Krai. 17.10.13


A boy stands between two big watermelons at the “Watermelon Paradise” festival in the village of Strelka (Krasnostrelskoye Rural SettlementTemryuk Raion) in Krasnodar Krai (that be Cossack country, chum). Any inferences, dirty or otherwise, reside solely in the mind of the beholder… now, I didn’t say anything, did I? You wanna know what “arbuzi” are… why, that’s just “watermelons” in Russian… didn’t everybody know that?


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